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The M6 Family

The M6 Family

24th Jun 2016

As the Barrel Turns...

We are all about family. Just ask the M kids. They think that we are a little too obsessed with family. What is a helicopter parent? Although none of the 4 are actually involved, M6 is a family business. It is because I want it to be, so I have declared it to be so. They all think it is great that Mom and Dad have a label, winery and Tasting Room. They support it 100%. Anything that occupies us and diverts attention from them is just fine. As long as Mom and Dad pay for everything and do all of the work, it is a great family business. If it eventually becomes a success, then they will of course take their share of the credit. In the meantime, they are satisfied with wine samples (by the case).

The M6 family business is structured on each of our natural talents. I like to think that I am the visionary. I am the Dad, the Papa, the Founder. In other words, I am paying for everything and bear all of the responsibility. I have been making non-commercial wine for about 12 years. I have never tired of this hobby and it keeps Anne happy. Enough about me.

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